The Minor in Inequality Studies' Health Equity Track

The Health Equity Track

The Minor in Inequality Studies’ Health Equity Track, launched in Spring 2019, affords interested students the opportunity to explore the social causes and consequences of inequalities in life expectancy, health outcomes, health-promoting behaviors, and access to health care. As with the general Minor in Inequality Studies, the Health Equity Track is open to any student in any major, and offers excellent preparation for students who are interested in careers in medicine, public health, social science research, or public policy. Interested in learning about the causes and consequences of inequalities in health? Enroll today!

Pursue the Minor that makes a Major difference!

Required courses

Core Course: Social Inequality (PAM/SOC 2208 and DSOC 2090)

ONE of the following overview courses:

  • Comparative Social Inequalities (DSOC 3700 and SOC 3710)
  • Controversies About Inequality (SOC/GDEV/PUBPOL/ILROB 2220, PHIL 1950, and AMST/GOVT 2225)
  • Race and Public Policy (PAM 3370 and SOC 3370)
  • Social Problems in the United States (PUBPOL 2250, AMST 2070, and SOC 2070)
  • Managing Diversity: Policies and Practices (ILROB 6260)
  • Families and Social Inequality (PAM 4470 and SOC 4470) [note this course is no longer offered]
  • Economic Analysis of the Welfare State (ILRLE 4426 and ECON 3450) [note this course is no longer offered]

An additional FOUR electives complete the requirements for the minor: Those students who choose to enroll in the Minor’s Health Equity track must complete TWO of their FOUR electives from the curated list of electives with specific health-equity relevance. The other two electives can be chosen from the broader list, or these additional electives may include courses with an indicated health-equity focus. All courses toward the minor must be taken for a letter grade. The electives and overview course must collectively be distributed across at least three departments (all ILR courses are considered one department and cross-listed courses can be counted as any of their cross-listings). Students must earn a grade C or higher in all minor courses. Completion of the minor will be recorded on the student's academic record. For any questions about course requirements, please contact the Center for the Study of Inequality. The Center for the Study of Inequality hosts occasional lectures and symposia, and minors are encouraged to attend these when possible. These events will be announced via email and are also listed under events.
